Welcome to The Shelf Help Club 💛


The Shelf Help Club is the world's first dedicated self-help book club.

It is a social network for your self-development, a place to LEARN from best-selling authors and well-being experts, to CONNECT with people walking the same path of self-discovery, and to GROW into the healthiest and happiest version of you.

If you’ve found your way here, you are now part of our global community (hosted on Substack since April 2024) and able to start connecting directly with SHC founder Toni and the Shelf Help team.

And you are one step closer to joining The Shelf Help Clubhouse, which is our award-winning book club membership and private community, created to inspire and support your healing, happiness and growth.

Whether you are here as a self-help beginner or ready to invest in your self-development and sign up as a fully-fledged member of The Clubhouse ASAP (paid-for) please know that you are very welcome, and that you have already done the hard work by showing up!

You might also like to know that we are a determinedly positive space, dedicated to celebrating self-help and working on our inner selves, and our mental health, providing online and in-person support and community to help you challenge - and change - the way you think, feel and behave.

Because we believe that any change starts with first changing our relationship with our Self (and that being nice to that Self is the best way to do that).

It’s ok not to be ok. Of course it is. But if you want more than an ok life (which I know you do, because you’re here and taking the time to read this) there’s SO MUCH you can do to feel better, as well as inspire those around you to do the same.

And we’re here to teach you how…

We don't have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.

- Brené Brown


  • Founder Toni started the SHC as a local book club in West London in October 2017, because it was something she needed as she began a journey to understand and improve her mental health in her late thirties, after years of neglecting it had resulted in physical, emotional and spiritual burnout/catastrophe.

  • After leaving a high octane, high stress career in journalism she suddenly had the time and space to consider her life choices, and didn’t much like what she saw. She also had the time to start reading again, something she had loved so much once upon a time, and so began a glorious love affair with self-help, and a catalogue of life-changing ‘lightbulb moments’ that she wanted to explore further and share with others.

  • Toni has since read 600+ self-help books (50+ with the community) and done all kinds of weird and wonderful things in the name of personal development. She’s made huge shifts to her life and her Self, and is in a happy and healthy place.

  • And the Shelf Help Club is now a global online and offline collective, reaching over 25,000 readers and seekers worldwide.

  • The Shelf Help Club exists to celebrate and promote self-help, connecting as many people as possible with books, ideas and experts to inspire them to create healthier and more positive relationships with themselves. And also to connect these people with each other. Because self-help is great, but it’s even better with friends.

  • Our mission is ‘Better mental health for all through the promotion of self-help’ and everything we share and create works towards supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #3

  • Substack is our new community HQ, a place to grow our global network, continue to share the best in self-development and host our membership and group Read-alongs.

SHELF HELP and SUBSTACK: A new chapter for the Club

Toni says: “Over the years our kind and curious global community has grown completely organically, thanks to a combination of serendipity, social media and some hard work (and Work) on my part, but - if I’m being honest - not much strategy.

“I knew from early on that the SHC had the potential to do great things and help a lot of people. And over the years as I watched people heal and grow while reading these books, and book clubbers brought their friends and/or requested to start their own meetups, and authors and publishers started approaching us, and strangers around the world started becoming friends via social media, my little hobby book club turned into a passion project then a side hustle and finally - as a result of lockdown - a small business, with a big social impact.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

  • Ghandi

“Along the way we’ve tried various platforms and community models (and GOD BLESS YOU if you are one of the Shelfies who has journeyed with us from Facebook to Teachable to Squarespace to Mighty Networks and now Substack 🤗).

“I know change is hard, and moving around different platforms is not without its frustrations for us all BUT having spent time across these various spaces I also know what does and doesn’t work for our community. And I’m very VERY sure that Substack is the place we need to be right now.

“As a writer running a book club I love the appreciation of words and story and deep conversation here. It’s a positive and nurturing space full of cheerleaders and opportunities for collaboration and connection.

“And on a technical note, I love the simple format and community functions that let me stay in touch with my members and subscribers without overwhelming them with content.

“Below you’ll find more information on what you can expect as a free and paid member of The Shelf Help Club here on Substack (and I want to be co-creating this next chapter of the Club experience with the community, so please get in touch with any and all suggestions).



  • Weekly Monday emails/posts featuring info on the best new self-help strategies and releases and our latest author interviews and events

  • A chance to connect with the community via comments and occasional threads


  • Book Club membership, including Read-along resources, a reading schedule, weekly prompts and Book Club discussion starters

  • Access to all of our Monday Club online events including 2 x self-help author events and 1 x self-help workshop and 1 x Book Club meetup every month

  • Extended Monday emails/posts and OPs

  • Subscriber-only threads

  • Access to our private community, including chats and subscriber-only comments

  • Opportunity to create/attend IRL self-help themed meetups where you live

  • Guidance and resources for Local Shelf Help Hosts


All of the above plus:

  • First access to our IRL events

  • A 1-2-1 Bibliotherapy session with me (digital)

  • Access to our invite-only Inner Circle community and the chance to road test and review brand new self-help books before they hit the stores

  • The warm glow of being part of the SHC inner circle and supporting us as we work out ways to support the wider community

I hope this has given you a flavour of what I and the SHC are about, why we’re here on Substack, why you should join us and what I hope we can do together.

This is all new to all of us so please let me know using the button below if there’s anything that doesn’t make sense/you need more info on (I’ll be updating this page as we go/grow and I read and reply to all emails).

If you do decide to sign up today, please come and introduce yourself HERE.

And finally if you know someone else who might benefit from being here then I’d love it if you could share this page with them.


Big love from SH HQ.

I hope to see you on screen soon.

Toni 💛

To learn more about the tech platform that powers this publication, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to 💛 The Shelf Help Club

The world's first dedicated self-help book club. A membership and community to inspire and support your healing, happiness and growth.


Journalist turned bibliotherapist. Founder of the Shelf Help Club 💛 the world’s first dedicated self-help book club & platform. Proud to be a work in progress. Sober for 2024 (and beyond…?!)