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ACCESS the Shelf Help Clubhouse: featuring weekly events with best-selling self-help authors & well-being experts
CONNECT with like-minded folk: join our global community & find self-help loving friends wherever you live
CREATE positive change: with reading resources & group accountability as well as journalling prompts to support your Self Health
ACCESS the Shelf Help Clubhouse: featuring weekly events with best-selling self-help authors & well-being experts
CONNECT with like-minded folk: join our global community & find self-help loving friends wherever you live
CREATE positive change: with reading resources & group accountability as well as journalling prompts to support your Self Health
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/ year
ACCESS the Shelf Help Clubhouse: featuring weekly events with best-selling self-help authors & well-being experts
CONNECT with like-minded folk: join our global community & find self-help loving friends wherever you live
CREATE positive change: with reading resources & group accountability as well as journalling prompts to support your Self Health
30% NY DISCOUNT: Annual membership + 1 year of gift-wrapped BOOKS + 1 x private Bibliotherapy session * UK residents only
ACCESS the Shelf Help Clubhouse: featuring weekly events with best-selling self-help authors & well-being experts
CONNECT with like-minded folk: join our global community & find self-help loving friends wherever you live
CREATE positive change: with reading resources & group accountability as well as journalling prompts to support your Self Health
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