Happiness is a direction, not a destination
Join Oprah, Arthur and the Shelfies tonight for a live chat + watch party on Build the Life You Want
Hello everybody,
In life, there are some things we will never regret:
Doing a workout
Going to bed early
Not drinking booze
Watching an Oprah Super Soul interview
With media mogul Oprah being one of the co-authors of our latest BOTM, Build the Life You Want, there are a host of juicy extra ways to enjoy and learn from the book.
And - as we’ve learned from Tony Robbins - immersion is everything if we really want to make some change.
With the month of September gifting us five Mondays (yes, Mondays are a gift, people… once we learn to do them right!), tonight’s Book Club activity is a Watch Party/Live Chat of an Oprah interview with her co-author, Arthur C Brooks, all about the concepts shared in the book.
A Watch Party is a chance to watch and discuss something from the comfort of your own home. We use text chat so no cameras or dress code required. And it’s a great, stress-free way to learn something new and connect with the global Shelfies. (BYO snacks.)
The interview we’ll be watching and discussing is part of a 3-part series FREE to watch (anytime) on YouTube (or listen to on Oprah’s Super Soul podcast) exploring the social science behind the book and improving our happier-ness levels.
Members/subscribers, join the SHC Chat from 6.30pm tonight and look for the private Watch Party thread… we’ll be pressing PLAY together at 7pm and the interview lasts around one hour.
Non-members, upgrade today to join this and all of our Book Club activity for just £4.99/month, including next Monday’s live author event with the wonderful Marianne Power, author of Help Me! and now her new book, Love Me!